maandag 8 augustus 2011

Tiranë august 8th: start of the dance course

Today we made a start with the dance course...In the morning classes we have accompaniment of musicians.. Unfortunately the violin player couldn't make it....PS. The weather forecast "African Hot"....

Genci, Gerta (his wife) and their son

Helga and in blu at the background Genci, our teachers

Musicians getting ready
After the dance class I ate a wonderful byrek and the Albaniann type of "Ayran" (thin yoghurt with some salt) that is called " Dhalle" and I dared to have a walk in the heat... On my way...
The Piramide, built by Enver Hoxha now deteriorating

Dutch busses, given to Albania (not only in Tiranë)

The square at the backside of the Opera house where we have the dance-classes
Just a man in Murat Topani street
Where is she?????

The electricity...

Look how to do it ;-)

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