woensdag 3 augustus 2011

From Berat to Gjirokaster

Today we've travelled from Berat to Gjirokaster via an archeological site.... The roads were partly OK, partly that is... there is still a lot of work to be done. Here in Gjirokaster we're in a hotel that is situated in a traditional  house... wooden ceilings, wooden stairs...sqeeky noises...;-) Nice!!!!

On the way

Byllish the Agora

I would have liked to put some more pictures, but uploading seems not possible tonight... This evening we have had a polyphone singers group at the table next to our dinner table. They sang beautifully and later on we have danced with them. Oh boy oh boy, it was good that I have had extensive lessons in Pogonishte...
That had it's effect on these guys ;-)

Tormorrow we'll visit the town of Gjirokaster

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