donderdag 18 augustus 2011

Smalll impression Lepushë

Since uploading of foto's takes forever.. Just a very small impression of the fesitval in Lepushë (a gathering of the people from the region Kelmend: that stretches also over the border of Montenegro and Kosovo).
This is the last blog. In a few days I'll be home again...

Rugova (Kosovo)

Xhubleta (pronounce: dzhubleta) costume

Detail of the belt (Brez)

The audience dresses up nicely !

Somewhere in the back of the village

It has been a long day...

donderdag 11 augustus 2011

We are on our way to Lepushë in the Albanian Alps in the north. We will continue our dance classes there in a classroom of the local village school and we will visit a festival that is held there. Tomorrow we will continue our trip in small busses and I 'probably will not have internet there. On our way today we visited Krujë, the only place were the Bazar still functions and with a beautiful etnographic museum.
Here are some impressions:




Don't be mistaken: she is more or less in Tiranë style. He has a qeleshe in Kosovo type; his jacket could be more or less from the area of Tiranë, but his trousers are absolutely "not done";-). Nevertheless it was nice to see them walking in the streets of Krujë.

From Krujë towards Shkodër: daily dress of Lezhë

In Shkodër we stopped for a late lunch and the music we hear now is not the heart breaking beautiful clarinet from the south, but a (for my ears) very well known medley of 9/8 melodies on accordeon. Were so close to Montenegro now.
Shkodër:  were two rivers meet

The highway from Shkodër towards Montenegro 1

The highway fr4om Shkodër towards Montenegro 2

An exeption:  danceteacher Genci not posing.....

dinsdag 9 augustus 2011

Some bits of Tiranë

For the Dutch...:-)

Work under the major: Edi Rama

The outskirts of the town

Tirana by night

maandag 8 augustus 2011

Tiranë august 8th: start of the dance course

Today we made a start with the dance course...In the morning classes we have accompaniment of musicians.. Unfortunately the violin player couldn't make it....PS. The weather forecast "African Hot"....

Genci, Gerta (his wife) and their son

Helga and in blu at the background Genci, our teachers

Musicians getting ready
After the dance class I ate a wonderful byrek and the Albaniann type of "Ayran" (thin yoghurt with some salt) that is called " Dhalle" and I dared to have a walk in the heat... On my way...
The Piramide, built by Enver Hoxha now deteriorating

Dutch busses, given to Albania (not only in Tiranë)

The square at the backside of the Opera house where we have the dance-classes
Just a man in Murat Topani street
Where is she?????

The electricity...

Look how to do it ;-)

zondag 7 augustus 2011

A long trip from Butrint in the south to Tiranë

Zwaluwen/rondini ( I don''t know in English)

Mussel cultivation near Butrint (south)

Mussel cultivation near Butrint (south)

Vlorë centre of the town

Preparing for the wedding

One of the many many many...(Vlorë)

bunkers and beach (Porta Palermo)

Hiding place for submarines ;-) (Porta Palermo)

Landscape south of Llogara

Near Llogara
Highway from Durrës towards Tiranë

Painted appartmentbuildings in Tiranë

detail of a painted appartmentbuilding in Tiranë

donderdag 4 augustus 2011

Gjirokaster: etnographic museum and castle

It's hard to get an idea from pictures... Gjirokaster is beautiful and pleasant...

House from the top of thee citadel

Again from the top of the citadel

male shoes

Detail of an overcoat

Headdress Gjirokaster and surroundings

Bell tour on top of the fortress

Inside of the fortress

Holder for the handtowels :-)

One of the singers of last night (GrupoArgjiro)